Carol Ireton-Jones, Ph.D, RDN

FODMAPs: Fermentable Oligo-, Di- and Mono-saccharides and Polyols

FODMAPs is an acronym for a group of carbohydrates in food.   They are associated with symptoms of gas, bloating, and motility changes because they are:   Rapidly fermentable ↔ Poorly absorbed ↔ Osmotically active

The FODMAP Diet : 1.  Eliminate high FODMAP containing foods for 2-4 weeks.(the low FODMAP diet) 2. Challenge – adding higher FODMAP containing foods to your diet in a systematic way, observing symptoms/triggers.  3. Restore/Reintroduce – to find your eating plan.

It works!

The low FODMAP diet is now recognized as first line therapy for treatment of IBS symptoms including abdominal pain, gas, bloating, diarrhea and or constipation…Gibson, Chey, et al, 2017

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